Science in Society

Transferring the produced scientific knowledge to society and research colleagues is a major objective of this research team. Below, you can find the links to outreach materials produced by our team. You can also access the articles on this topic here.

Latest articles on this topic:

To change or not to change? The evolution of seasonal camouflage and climate change

Authors: Rita Campos, José Melo-Ferreira (2022)

This book summarizes the framework and major results of our research on the origin and evolution of winter colour polymorphism in species of hares and weasels that display seasonal coat colour change. It was developed for the non-specialist public, and includes a short narrative about the research, some broad definitions and additional information, two educational activities and suggestions for other resources.

It is available in Portuguese, here.

Ghost hares: The evolution of hares in the Iberian Peninsula

Authors: Rita Campos, José Melo-Ferreira, Pelayo Acevedo (2015)


This booklet summarizes over a decade of research on the evolution of hares in the Iberian Peninsula, a model to the study of hibridization and genetic exchanges between closely related species. It was developed for non-specialists and includes general definitions, two educational activities and suggestions of related resources. It was nominated for best educational resource by Casa das Ciências in 2016.

It is available in three languages (Portuguese, Spanish and English), here.

A book about evolution

Edited by Rita Campos; authorship includes José Melo-Ferreira (2013).


This book compiles answers from 18 scientists to questions (and answers) about evolution posed by 40 Portuguese and Mexican students, who share the authorship of the book. It clarifies concepts and alternative conceptions about evolution. Highlighted as educational resource to High School teaching by Casa das Ciências since it was published.

It is available in Portuguese and Spanish, here.